Saturday, May 03, 2025, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
We welcome Debbie Griffith, author and speaker on the syndicated radio feature, Everyday Matters, as our speaker for the 2025 Refuge Women's Brunch. Her talk is titled: With Christ-Nothing is Wasted. We invite you to join us for this special event at Refuge Church. To learn more about Debbie, visit her website:
A dream not denied but redirected. Debbie Griffith dreamed of being a Broadway star after her BA in teaching/theater/communications. She’d perform and direct numerous shows, but not on Broadway. God planted her in “The Icebox of the Nation,” and she and husband Dan raised four sons and now have a daughter-in-law and two grandchildren. Her dream was redirected into a ministry in 2006. Debbie’s radio feature, Everyday Matters, is now heard on stations throughout the United States and Moody Radio. She’s a speaker-girl sharing God’s grace theatrically. Debbie authored a book, “Orange is the New Blessing” which is a collection of stories showing that nothing is wasted with God. Coming soon is “The Fruit & Nuts Podcast” where Debbie shares how the fruit of the Spirit enables you to live well in a nutty life.